Understanding the Cost of All-on-4 Dental Implants

all on 4 dental implants in cost belmont area

When you miss one tooth, a single dental implant is an excellent tooth replacement. Still, if you miss multiple teeth, All-On-4 dental implants from Peninsula Dental Implant Center can restore your smile’s beauty and function. Dr. Shivani Gupta, DDS, Master ICOI, and the team use revolutionary techniques, including All-on-4 dental implants, to ensure our patients in Belmont, California, and other locations achieve healthy smiles despite their tooth loss situation.    How do All-on-4 dental implants work? This teeth replacement system uses dental implants and fixed replacement teeth to restore missing teeth in a full arch. Ideally, you can replace every lost … Continue reading

Do I need block bone grafting to prepare my smile for dental implants?

Block Bone Graft for Dental Implant in Belmont CA Area

Obtaining dental implants is the optimum goal for patients missing one or more teeth. Quality dental implants have continued to gain popularity due to their permanency. However, not everyone is considered a good candidate for dental implants, especially if they do not have sufficient bone in their jaw to ensure successful placement of this restoration.  Dental implant specialist, Dr. Shivani Gupta, DDS, Master ICOI of Peninsula Dental Implant Center serving San Carlos and Belmont, California, can talk to you about specific bone graft solutions such as block bone grafting. What is block bone grafting? Block bone grafting, also referred to … Continue reading

Block/bone grafting for patients in Belmont gives new hope for dental implants

Dental Bridges Redwood City

Dr. Shivani Gupta performs simple surgical procedures to place dental implants at the Peninsula Dental Implant Center in San Carlos. Patients in Belmont and surrounding areas can visit us for a consultation regarding dental implants so that we can determine their suitability with patients’ current health and implant requirements. Implants currently offer the ideal solution for tooth replacement. There are some situations, however, when patient health is not compatible with the implant process. Rather than lose access to this outstanding technology, Dr. Gupta has options to prepare patients to be ready to accept the dental implants. One aspect of health … Continue reading

Belmont area dental team dispels myths about wisdom teeth extractions

Wisdom Teeth Extractions Belmont

You receive exceptional care for wisdom teeth extractions in the Belmont area at the Peninsula Dental Implant Center in Redwood City. Our practice specializes in many complex procedures that require supreme skill and knowledge. When you need top-notch care The last permanent teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 to 25. Sometimes, wisdom teeth never develop, or when they do, they emerge without problems. When there isn’t enough room in the mouth for them, they may only erupt partway, if at all. Teeth that are trapped underneath the hard or soft tissues can be very painful. When they come … Continue reading

When might patients in Redwood City CA choose dental bridges to repair their smiles

Dental Bridges Redwood City

No one wants to lose a permanent tooth, but unfortunately, that is sometimes the reality. When the unexpected occurs, it is important to know your options. At Peninsula Dental Implant Center in Redwood City, CA, we offer a variety of restorations to repair a smile after losing teeth, including dental bridges. Dr. Shivani Gupta and her team are dedicated to helping patients with their choice for smile restoration. Which type of restoration is right for my smile? Choosing the right restoration depends on several factors. The first is to understand the difference between the three main types of restorations: Removable … Continue reading

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