Dentist near Menlo Park explains about all on 4 dental implants

Dentist Near Menlo Park Explains About Benefits

In decades past, dentures posed real challenges for the patients forced to wear them. While they may have looked realistic, they often lacked long term stability and function and certainly had an impact on the types of food patients could enjoy. Luckily, a modern-day denture option using a combination of artificial teeth and dental implants provides support, stability, and longevity for a tooth restoration solution that doesn’t impact the quality of life. At Peninsula Dental Implant Center, our dentist near Menlo Park explains about all on 4 dental implants. We offer patients All on 4 dental implants for individuals who are facing complete tooth loss in one or both arches.

What are All on 4 Dental Implants?

As its name suggests, All on 4 Dental implant treatment uses four precisely placed implants to lock a denture in place. It can be used on the upper or lower arches and is designed for patients who have experienced total tooth loss in the arch.

All on 4 dental implants are an excellent option for patients who are missing all their natural teeth, and those who may have already experienced bone loss. The 45-degree angle of the posterior implants minimizes the need for bone grafting by taking advantages of areas of the jawbone that typically remain dense.

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How does it differ from traditional dental implants?

With traditional implants, a patient could require up to 8 individual posts in order to support an entire arch of teeth. With All on 4 dental implants, the two posterior implants are inserted at an angle that allows longer posts. All on 4 dental implants provide the same durability as traditional implants but with faster treatment time.

In most cases, patients who opt for All on 4 dental implants can have their replacement teeth put into place the same day as the implants are placed, which means that function and appearance are restored immediately. With traditional implants, patients often must wait weeks between surgeries.

The All on 4 Process

During the consultation process, x-rays, impressions, and other measurements are taken in order to prepare for the implant surgery and the final set of teeth.

On the day of surgery, the implants will be placed into the jawbone. Local anesthetic and sedation can be used to make sure the procedure is comfortable. If there are any teeth requiring extraction, this can be done at the same time. Once the implants are in place, the new teeth can be attached, and small adjustments can be made.

Implants – revolutionizing oral care at the Peninsular Dental implant Center

Implants – revolutionizing oral care at the Peninsular Dental implant Center
The A4 complete implant solution. Do your dentures meet your needs for comfort and functionality? Do you find that you become anxious when speaking with someone? Or when dining out due to a poorly fitting denture? Is your smile in need of repair....

The A4 complete implant solution. Do your dentures meet your needs for comfort and functionality? Do you find that you become anxious when speaking with someone? Or when dining out due to a poorly fitting denture? Is your smile in need of repair but you avoid a life with dentures?  At the Peninsular Dental Implant center, you find a solution that can meet your needs for natural beauty, function chewing and more. A4 complete implant solution treatment is a great way to restore your smile and your confidence quickly. Your dentures don’t have to look like those that your grandmother wore. To see how natural your smile can look and feel, call the Peninsular Dental implant Center

Over the next few months, patients will return for several check-ups to make sure that the gums are healing properly, and the replacement teeth fit properly. The entire healing process is usually completed in about six months, at which point the implant will have fully fused with the bone.

Taking care of dental implants

The dental implants with the denture will function naturally immediately following the appointment. Before leaving the office, patients will be given instructions for caring for dental implants, but the process is very similar to taking care of natural teeth. It’s important to maintain regular dental visits to monitor the fit of the restoration.

Candidates for All on 4 dental implants

All on 4 dental implants are a great solution for patients who are tired of removable dentures and wish to have a more permanent solution. Patients who do not have sufficient bone structure to support traditional dental implants or those who have suffered severe bone loss are good candidates. A consultation can determine if dental implants are the right solution for an individual’s tooth loss.

Say goodbye to ill-fitting dentures

No more adhesive, no more worry about dentures slipping out of place. If you are missing natural teeth and live near Menlo Park, the team at Peninsula Dental Implants is ready to restore your smile with dental implants. In just a short time you can have a permanent solution that stays in place, functions and looks like natural teeth and protects the density of the jawbone. To schedule your consultation and find out if you are a candidate for the All on 4 procedure, give us a call at (650) 232-7650.

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