Trust Invisalign teeth aligners designed by San Carlos CA dental center for precision, no-stress straightening
Peninsula Dental Implant Center invests in skilled people and sophisticated technologies to not only replace your teeth with implants but to also beautify your smile and improve your bite with advanced orthodontic appliances. Dr. Shivani Gupta uses Invisalign Teeth Aligners on San Carlos CA patients to treat everything from simple cosmetic concerns to complex bite issues. Invisalign technology has evolved significantly since these transparent, removable alternatives to braces were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1998. There have never been so many patients who are suitable candidates for this type of orthodontic treatment, and the Invisalign process has never been as comfortable, efficient, easy, and predictably effective as it is now.
The power of iTero intraoral scanners
Peninsula Dental Implant Center has added another “smart” technology to its long list of leading-edge equipment: the iTero® intraoral scanner. As its name suggests, “intraoral” scanners scan the inside of the oral cavity, capturing images of your mouth along the way. These images can be morphed into 3-Dimensional virtual models of your mouth in a matter of minutes. They’re simple and easy to use, which helps to get the most accurate diagnostic information. Precision diagnostics are a must to assure your treatment is effective, and you get the outcomes that you need or want. Additionally, scans are more detailed than traditional 2-Dimensional images made from conventional impressions. Think of dental impressions as a “map” of the inside structures of your oral cavity, which dentists and laboratory technicians use to design and create new teeth (or oral appliances) that fit in conjunction with other teeth and structures, or that fit snugly and comfortably inside your mouth.
Tw0-dimensional impressions are made from a goopy, putty-like substance that can induce gagging among some patients. The material also tends to shrink. Since your restoration or dental appliance is made from these models, it’s critical that they be precise. So, inaccurate impressions are a real issue that patient experience and undergo.
Dr. Gupta has eliminated the drawbacks associated with traditional impression-making. The process of using the iTero® intraoral scanner is as easy as:
- Moving a tiny, lightweight wand around in your mouth
- As she moves the wand around in your mouth, thousands of frames are captured per second and “stitched” together digitally to create a 3-Dimensional visualization of your mouth
- Effortlessly capturing images of hard-to-reach back teeth; with traditional imaging (and earlier-generation digital systems), molars couldn’t be accessed easily and in a manner that assured precise capture
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The scanner requires no special preparation. Even patients with small mouths or who can’t open their mouths wide, appreciate that the tiny wands allow for comfortable scanning that isn’t gag-inducing. As part of the same family that makes Invisalign aligners, Align Technology, the iTero® system is compatible with Invisalign’s ClinCheck software system. As images from the scanner are captured, they pop up on Dr. Gupta’s monitor in real-time. So, she can quickly see if the scan submitted to Invisalign and the lab that makes your aligners is good or not. In fact, Align Technology reports iTero® compatible scans have resulted in 10 times fewer rejections than conventional impressions.
Since the iTero® scanner is so accurate, patients were reportedly seven times less likely to have fit issues with aligner trays fabricated using information and models rendered by the iTero® system. Proper fit assures teeth are repositioned as they should be and prevents uncomfortable irritation and potential damage.
See results, virtually, before treatment begins!
This advanced technology allows for “simulated” outcomes. Dr. Gupta pulls up images of your mouth on a monitor. Each image corresponds to a phase of treatment. As she walks you through treatment, a new image is pulled up to correspond with that phase in the process. That way, you can see exactly how the aligners will reposition your teeth and bite at every stage of treatment. You’ll be able to ask more informed questions and have a better understanding as to how the technology works, which further aids in outcomes. Once you truly understand the mechanics behind Invisalign, you’ll know that cleaning and wearing the aligners as prescribed is of utmost importance to effective treatment that progresses without disruption.
Every six weeks or so you’ll visit Dr. Gupta. So, she can see how the treatment is progressing. At each appointment, new scans of your mouth are taken and, once uploaded, she’ll compare them to the ClinCheck software simulations that were shared before treatment. Comparing the “before” and “after” images can be a great motivator for patients to continue to comply with treatment, wearing trays for at least 20 hours per day.
Experience the ease of straightening your teeth with today’s Invisalign. Call (650) 232-7650 to schedule your consultation at Peninsula Dental Implant Center.
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