Get your teeth in a day with immediate dentures near Menlo Park

Get your teeth in a day near Menlo Park area

During your life, you may find that your dentist suggests for you to have one or more teeth extracted due to gum disease or tooth decay. In the past, replacing the missing teeth was a long-term process that included a wait time of weeks or even months. Luckily, modern dental technology has come a long way, that’s why the team at Peninsula Dental Implant Center near Menlo Park is proud to help you get your teeth in a day with immediate dental implants. This highly effective treatment allows you to receive your restoration on the same day that your teeth are extracted so you can enjoy immediate function and aesthetics.

How do teeth in a day work?

Dental implants are the optimal choice for natural-looking tooth replacement. Whether you are already missing teeth or need to have them extracted, dental implants are an effective and affordable long-term solution. Traditionally, the dental implant process was long and would take place after teeth were already missing or extracted. During the procedure, the implant was placed into the bone and then covered and left to heal for a period, often several months. During this time your final set of teeth would be custom fabricated. Finally, you would have to return to the office to make sure the restoration fits properly before you have your restored smile.

Now, immediate dental implant technology allows us to take impressionss before the teeth are extracted and place four strategic implants directly into the jawbone immediately so that you can get your new set of teeth on the same day your teeth are removed. These temporary dentures will be functional and fitted within the arch.

Post-procedure follow-up

Following your teeth in a day procedure, you will return to the office for several visits over the course of three months to assess the healing of the dental implants. During this time, your final set of teeth will be created. Once the implants have fully healed, we will be able to attach your final set of teeth. This restoration will look, feel, and function just like natural teeth and will not inhibit your sense of taste or cover your palate.

Call our office for more information
Call us at (650) 232-7650 or

Benefits of teeth in a day:

  • Because the restoration is placed on the same day that your teeth are extracted, you don’t have to live for weeks, or months, without teeth. This allows you to retain the ability to perform basic functions such as eating, and talking, and smile freely without embarrassment.
  • Teeth in a day often look more natural because we are able to more closely match the color, shape, and position of your natural teeth prior to removing them.
  • Teeth in a day help with the post-extraction healing process.
  • Having your new set of teeth placed right away allows you to retain most of your ability to speak naturally. There will still be an adjustment with your restoration, but you won’t have to adjust to speaking without teeth and then re-learn new speech patterns.

Candidates for teeth in a day

Candidates for teeth in a day near Menlo Park area

Teeth in a day are a great option for patients who are facing the extraction of one or more teeth and want to have the benefit of immediate functionality and cosmetic appearance. Patients will need to have sufficient bone structure, individuals who have experienced bone deterioration as a result of gum disease may require grafting and traditional dental implants. If the teeth have been missing for a long period and the bone tissue has grown into the empty socket, traditional implants may be the better solution.

Book your teeth in a day consultation today

The team at Peninsula Dental Implant Center would love to help you enjoy your favorite foods and be able to speak and smile with confidence. If you would like to find out if you are a candidate for teeth in a day, book your consultation by calling us at (650) 232-7650. After a thorough exam, we will be happy to answer any of your questions and determine which method of restoration is best for you. If you aren’t a candidate for teeth in a day, we will work with you to come up with a plan to restore your smile.

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