Redwood City, CA implant dentist describes the benefits of the all-on-four system for tooth replacement
San Mateo, CA area patients faced with extensive tooth loss may fear their only option are unsightly, cumbersome full dentures that take months to adjust to. Thankfully, there have been many advances in restorative dentistry that allow patients to take a different approach. Dr. Shivani Gupta of Peninsula Dental Implant Center encourages patients to ask about the all-on-four implant system for a more stable and effective solution to tooth loss.
Loss of the entire dental arch
Losing a single tooth can be devastating enough to one’s oral health, but cavities and periodontal disease that cause an entire arch of teeth to be lost has a dramatic effect. Many patients cringe at the idea of having full dentures like their grandparents used to have, and have images of false teeth floating in a glass of water by the sink. Luckily, patients today have more options to choose from to replace an entire arch of teeth, including the all-on-four implant system.
The all-on-four dental implant system starts with the placement of four to six dental implants along the dental arch. These are strategically placed by Dr. Shivani Gupta during oral surgery. They are then made to snap into place with a smaller denture similar to a bridge. This denture does not require false gum tissue, just teeth, that work alongside the implants. Because the implants are placed into the bone of the jaw, they are strong and stable enough to support the restoration. Unlike single implants, these implants are connected to each other via a Titanium bar that supports the new set of teeth that is the new fixed denture. Implants connected via the titanium bar share the biting forces and allow the immediate loading and provide immediate functional teeth. These types of dentures do not require near as much time for patients to get used to, and are stronger than traditional dentures using denture adhesives to stay in place.
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What are the benefits of all-on-four dental implants?
- Reliable
- Effective
- Long-lasting
- Sturdy
- Strong
- Affordable
- Easy to adjust to
Discuss the advantages of the all-on-four system
San Mateo, CA area dentist, Dr. Shivani Gupta, is excited to offer patients solutions for their smiles at her practice, Peninsula Dental Implant Center. Her facility is located at 3045 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City and can be reached by phone at (650) 232-7650 to request a consultation appointment. Patients are welcome to connect with her team, even if they’ve never visited the practice before.
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