Make sure you and your new dentures work well together – advise by the AAID
Congratulations on your new dental implants, let’s make sure they say permanent and healthy – during the first 25 hours, you might feel a slight tenderness, some swelling or some bit of discomfort where the implant is placed. Don’t be surprised if you see a bit of bleeding or redness I your saliva. Here are some tips to reduce initial swelling following these will also help your new teeth last a lifetime. Apply ice during the first 48hours. Rinse with water and salt water for 4 5 times a day, first 4hours and especially after meals. Brush your teeth including the implant and the abutment but be gentle while the area heals. Avoid hard or chewy food for about 6 weeks. Be careful when eating hard food, such as nuts. Do not smoke or chew tobacco. Practice good and oral hygiene like you should with your original teeth. Brush and floss regularly schedule regular checkups with your dentists, and if you are experiencing something unusual call your implant dentist immediately. Produced by the American academy of implant dentistry home of the dental implant experts.
Dentures and the role they play in completing your smile – brought to you by the AAID
Are you missing one or more teeth? Are you afraid to show your smile? Did you give up your favorite foods because you have trouble chewing? Are you self-conscious about how you speak? Do you know that the longer you have missing teeth the more bone loss you will have! This might affect your other teeth as well as causing other health problems you have options while a bridge can be an option it involves cutting the teeth down and up for crowns. Partial dentures can be used but many people complain about discomfort bulkiness and visible metal clip regardless of how you lost your teeth, an accident a failed root canal, gum disease or decay dental implants are the standard of care and the best treatment option for missing teeth. Here is how it works. Your AAID implant dentist will place the implant into the jaw where the teeth used to be. Over a period of a few weeks the implant will stabilize and provide solid support for your new crown. A post sometimes called an abutment, is screwed into the implant – a crown will be shaped and personalized not your mouth and it will be attached that the abutment, if you are missing several teeth in the Sam area a series of connected crowns can be fastened to the implant and above it creating a stable permanent solution. After the implant has been placed and the crown restored you will be able to eat the foods you want smile with confidence, speak clearly and be the happy person you were before you lost those teeth. Produced by the American academy of implant dentistry home of the dental implant experts.
Terminal Dentition and what it can mean for you – as told by the AAID
Are you unable to eat or chew without pain? Is your nutrional suffering? Have you lost teeth? Does your face make you look older than you are? Are there other signs of infection around your gums? Are you embarrassed by your own bad breath but afraid to even open your mouth? Much less smile? These might be signs of terminal dentition, meaning most of your teeth have gone bad. This condition can cause major health problems such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and even erectile dysfunction, the good news is that there is a solution amiable and a AAID implant dentist can help, the dentist will evaluate a jaw and how much bone you have available to support your new teeth, this might involve taking x-rays, photos and a Come Beam CT Scan or molds of your mouth. You and your dentist will reveal a plan for all the steps involved for each option from removing the bad teeth placing temporary teeth to a new set of teeth. Your AAID impact dentist wants to make sure you are comfortable throughout the process, and will provide you with proper pain control options throughout the treatment and between business and affordable financial options are available. You can look forward to having your life back so you win, and enjoy all foods with confidence and without pain. No longer have bad breath be more self-confident, meet more people and improve your persona and business life and feel better overall. Most patents often wonder why they did not do this sooner, talk to your AAID dentist and are able to smile all day. Produced by the American academy of implant dentistry home of the dental implant experts. Home of the dental implant experts.