Redwood City area dentist describes A4 complete implant solution

San Carlos area dentist describes A4 complete implant

At the Peninsula Dental Implant Center, Dr. Shivani Gupta and her team are dedicated to helping others achieve a restored smile after tooth loss. This means helping individuals with a variety of solutions based on their specific needs. When patients have lost all of the permanent teeth or are considering extraction of the entire dental arch, they are often excited to learn about using dental implants to support full dentures. This procedure is known as all-on-four dental implants.

A4 complete implants are restorations combining the strength and durability of dental implants with the benefits of full dentures. Dr. Shivani Gupta will place four dental implants along the dental arch into the bone. These will act as the foundation for the dentures. Temporary dentures are worn over these implants as the process of osseointegration occurs. This process can take several weeks and allows the implant to be solidified with the bone. Once this is complete, our team can develop the permanent full dentures used with the implants and allow patients to fully repair the function and beauty of their smiles.

A4 complete implants are the best way to achieve a full restored smile with stability. Full dentures alone may be difficult to keep in place with natural suction or dental adhesives alone. The dental implants give the dentures the strength they need to function properly.

Our practice offers a wide range of treatments for our patients revolving around dental implants and smile restoration, including:

  • Bone and block grafting
  • Guided implant surgery
  • Single or multiple implants
  • Tooth extraction
  • “Teeth in a day”
  • Sinus lifts
  • Immediate implantation

If you reside in Redwood City, Belomont or Peninsula area and want to learn more about how A4 complete implant solution work in repairing the smile, contact the team of the Peninsula Dental Implant Center today at (650) 232-7650. We can assess your current dental situation and determine if this particular process of restoration is appropriate for your needs. We can also discuss alternatives which can be used, as well as, ways of preparing the smile for placement including bone grafting.

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