Hi, I am Derrek Gones. I’m here to tell my story about my implants and the service you guys provided.
The first thing that made me come here was the fact that my teeth were horrible. I’ve had drug use that destroyed my teeth. My confidence was down, my breath was bad, and I couldn’t chew any food.
I came here, and you guys fixed the issue. I am super happy. I love my teeth. I am confident. People look at me with more respect. They look at me differently, and that means a lot to me.
Everybody here treated me fair, they were awesome, and I was just all around happy. I couldn’t be happier. I love my smile.
I used to cover my mouth when I would smile. Now I am super confident, and life is good. I want to thank Andy and Peninsula Dental, and I appreciate all of you.
What are you looking forward to doing when all the implants are healed?
I am looking forward to pizza and $150 steak at Ruth’s Chris. I couldn’t chew, and sometimes when chewing, I felt like I would choke, and it was scary to me.
But now I can chew whatever I want. So I am happy and excited about that, and life is good.
How will the new teeth help you in your business?
They help my business tremendously. Before implants, I wouldn’t want to get in front of the camera, and part of my job requires me to be in front of the camera.
Sometimes I would go to a show with the COVID mask on because I didn’t want to show my teeth and was very insecure.
Now I’m in front of the camera. I smile all day, and people who come to get the dogs from me, look at me with more respect.
They want to buy a dog from a person who has a beautiful smile like this.
How has your relationship with your girlfriend improved?
That is much better. While driving here, my girlfriend wouldn’t even turn toward my side because she didn’t want to smell my breath. My breath is fine now, with no issues. Our passion is back because she didn’t want to kiss me earlier.
I am going to Italy soon on a family trip. My mom’s from Albania, so we’re probably going to cross the Mediterranean sea and go to Albania as well. I am ready for all the selfies.
Is it really worth the pain and the money spent?
100%. I went through a little pain, I’ll be honest, but I will say this is 100% worth it. You feel better, you look better, and it is worth every penny spent.
Make an appointment with us today for all your dental implant needs.